Planetario Numerico
Adriano Attus’ latest work, Figured Numerical Planetarium, was designed to restore the primitive neutral beauty to numbers.
A kaleidoscope of colors, points and lines. A project to represent all the figures from 1 to 100 through their wonderful “figuration”. An attempt to give new meaning to numbers, to bring back a new aesthetic sense and a new order in the chaos of information in which we are - and have been - immersed
Permutations of numbers and shapes are the basis of Adriano Attus‘ investigation into the complexity of reality.
Each Neometria© is born as a mosaic formed by simple tiles, and each tile, composed of basic geometric elements, is combined to be different from another.
The complex structure of each table is the artist’s invitation for the observer to look at the part to see the whole, to look for the particular and get to the general
The project Numerage is provocative. Through numbers recovered from world newspapers, Attus creates collages that lead the viewer to think. Reality is never as it seems and the artist shows it by making difficult simple series, repeating and increasing single numbers, or creating abstract images that take shape in the viewers’ eyes. Because manipulated numbers can lie.
Information is thus confusing, the observer lost and the truth is hidden
How long does it take to count to 100?
To find the numbers on the board could take a few seconds.
But to trace the simple sequential order from 1 to 100 in a complex structure could take even 33 minutes (at the moment the worst result). Don't you believe it? Challenge yourself…
Irregular chessboards. Hexagonal worlds.
Bubbles. Beehives,
Micro and macro.
Now reality takes new shapes. And perception expands.
Lines, nets, grids, points, knots, curves, crosses, squares, rhombuses, circles and geometrical glyphs have developed in all cultures to try to map the world and describe reality.
Nature itself reveals through harmonious, geometrical, symmetrical, branched, orderly and repeated shapes.
Abstractions lead back to primordial shapes to create new worlds through numbers and geometry.
Neometrie for Bombay Sapphire
Gin brand Bombay Sapphire, with a longstanding relationship with art and design, commissioned to Adriano Attus a pattern with the same colours of the brand. Created specifically for the Design Week in Milan the project was presented in Casa Lago during the event “How do you say pattern in Italian?”. This was part of the creative project Italianism curated buy Renato Fontana.
The article by Maria Sofia Tarana at Beverfood.com

Italian Axa Forum 2016
Se in un solo minuto, in tutto il pianeta, vengono scambiati 20,8 milioni di messaggi su WhatsApp e 150 milioni di e-mail, se sono visti 2,78 milioni di video su YouTube, se sono effettuate 2,4 milioni di ricerche su Google, cosa resta dell’anima, della fantasia, della creatività?
Con Numerage, Adriano Attus ha offerto il suo contributo visivo all’Italian AXA Forum 2016 dedicato alla rivoluzione dei dati, cercando di comunicare la complessità in cui viviamo e la grande mole di numeri e di dati che ogni giorno riempiono le nostre vite.